Monday, April 25, 2011

Belly painting time!

Ok, so this is my first attempt at this and I have to say that I impressed myself... hehehehe... I will try to get more creative on the next ones... Viva Baltimore!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Starting week 36...oh man

So now we are counting down the last few weekends/days we have together as Renee y Joao. I just started a book given to me by my friend Claudia and the the first chapter was so ON...that I almost did not feel the urge to read anymore. A healthy strong marriage makes for a wonderful confident child. Joao and I really do believe that baby is coming into our world....not the other way around. This may sound horrible to some, but I firmly believe this will make for a very happy child!
The new thing this week is that I am having some semi-intense contractions. They feel like really hard period cramps and they shoot into my lower back. It makes me have to bear-down on all fours and just rock. This method seems to work quite well.
Okay enough of we have four weeks and some days left. This was my spring break and I totally pampered the hell out of myself. The week started with a massage, which followed with some acupuncture, and will then end with a session with a chiropractor. All this is not just good for me, but it is our hopes it will help Baby to consider moving into the right position.
All though this week has been really nice just relaxing and enjoying some Renee-time, it can be a little stressful to be always thinking about the Baby. I mean I love having Baby Norona in my thoughts but sometimes it's just a bit overwhelming. Clearly you can see I am just babbling...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Starting week 35!

So...normally I would have said this was a week like any other...but...yesterday (wednesday) I woke up with swollen feet and decided I would treat myself to some flip flops! :)
After packing my lunch and preparing my coffee I headed out the door to drop of some Thank You letters on a crummy rainy day. As I stepped on our marble steps and turned toward the mailbox, my right foot slipped on the rain puddle on the step and I flew backwards. I hit my head on the corner of the brick and marble and somehow rolled down the steps leaving the imprints on my back.
In order to make sure Joao would come to my rescue I had to let our a little yell; which woke up my neighbor and caused another neighbor to run his ass off down the street! What a pitiful sight I was...crying with blood all over my hands from the gash in my head.
So Joao took me to the ER. We got in really fast and they were really super. The nurse suggested staples but I asked her if it was totally necessary so she brought in the doctor...he confirmed immediately I would need them. Never having been in a hospital for anything but a check up I got really nervous. BAMM BAMM BAMM...three staples in my head! I plugged my ears so the sound would not creep me out! hehee
Well after the whole staples thing, they asked if I would be willing to go up to labor and deliver so they could observe me for an first I was not totally down, but then I decided FINE...I need to be a good mom. SO we went. The next thing you know, I am having to stay for a 23 hour observation period!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arhhhggg, I was so annoyed. They were concerned because I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes...but I didn't even know some of them were happening. With the help of some friends visiting me, the time passed by and they released me in the manana! So here I am, sore, and tired. I am just happy Baby Norona is okay! I really want to have this baby now...time is going so slow! Plus Claudia y Raul had Rulo and I am not so anxious to have my baby! Six more weeks!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Starting week 34!

This week was interesting because we just found out baby is breech. At first I was really sad and Joao was so cute and supportive. But after having some time to think about it I realized that everything will work out for the best. Although the idea of having a c-section kills me...what am I going to do? All we really care about in the end is a healthy baby! So that means I need to do whatever it takes regardless of my 'birth plan'.
Anyway- we are trying some new and interesting approaches/exercises to help baby move down. The first one requires me to lay off the couch upside down at an angle. Then I put a cold bag of peas on the head and a hot towel where I want the head to be...and I do this for about 20 minutes! It gives me a killer headache! Then I lay around watching t.v. on all fours allowing gravity to do its' magic! So hopefully with these things and positive thinking baby will move into the downward position! I have to say, I am starting to get really excited to see baby Norona! I can't believe it's 7 weeks away! OMG! I try to imagine how the first few minutes will be and I just get chills thinking about it. I love the concept that Joao and I really have created something that is growing inside me...what an amazing process! Well that's it for this week!