Monday, November 8, 2010

Starting the 12th week!

Well, funny to say...but I kinda lost track of how far along I am....hahaha
Here we go baby brain!

So- this weekend Joao and I went to Mexico for a wedding. As we were dancing Joao stopped and looked at me....he said, "holy cow babe, I can feel your belly against mine." I just started laughing so hard because it was true. My new discovery this week is the overwhelming feeling of the stretching of my tummy. It's crazy, my stomach is always sticking out and I can feel the stretching pain. :)

So, I guess you can say I am starting to show now. At least I can see it. My clothes still fit, my naps are slowing down, and I am beginning to become interested in food again. I already like the 2nd trimester!

If the rest of my pregnancy goes as fast as the first will be May before I know it!

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